Monday, February 11, 2013

Welcome To My Life: February 9-11, 2013

Hello and Welcome To My Life:

I missed a couple days of posting about my life and I apologize for that. The last few days I have just been too exhausted to post before I go to sleep.

Saturday, February 9, 2013:

I slept until around 10:00 a.m. because I did not go to bed until around 2:00 a.m.. I woke up to this cute thing:

I had to try really hard not to step on him. Silly dog.

Most of the day was spent just being lazy. However, I cooked myself a delicious lunch of General Tso's Chicken with Jasmine Rice.

The rest of the afternoon was spent on Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, and reading a book.

Because my aunt does not have a coffee maker, I stopped off at Starbucks to get a latte before heading into work at 6:00. I worked until 10:00. When I got back to my aunt's house, my other aunt and her husband had just arrived to pick up Deputy. I was sad to see him go. Then I just went to bed.

Sunday, February 10, 2013:

You know you were in a deep sleep when you wake up and think "WHERE THE HECK AM I?!". Yep, that was the start of my morning when my alarm went off. Being that I had to work at 11:00 a.m., I needed to wake up early to pack and clean up the place before I left since my aunt and uncle were coming home that day.

I only had to work until 2:00 p.m.; I picked up this shift. After work, I bought a few things and went home. I made myself a hot ham sandwich, unpacked, and then went to my friend's house to hang out with some people. We played Extreme Forks (Extreme Spoons, but with forks) and I ended up hurting my ankle and splitting my pants open. I blame my friend's 13 year-old brother. We were also watching the Grammy's as well.

That day it had rained and then started to freeze so on the way to our cars we kind of slid. One of my friends slid all of the way down from the apron of the driveway to the road--on her feet though. Once my friend dropped me off at home, I threw my work clothes in the washer (then dryer) and then read a book while I waited for my laundry. After it was done, I went to sleep.

Monday, February 11, 2013:

Today was not too exciting. I worked 10:00 a.m. to around 4:20 p.m.. After work, I ate dinner and started another round of laundry since I did not have time to do my weekly laundry yesterday. It was a girl's (who I use to babysit) birthday so around 6:30 I went to her house to wish her a happy birthday and give her a gift. Since the only Dunkin Donuts in my town is over by her house, I stopped there on my way back for the first time. I ordered a Vanilla Chai, not so impressed. The donut was quite good, but the filling got all over my jeans and reusable bag--whoops! After Dunkin, I went to the library to drop off and pick up some new items. I also stopped of at Redbox to get a free movie for my brother. Once I got home, I watched Courageous with my family.

I did not take any pictures of my outfits for any of these day--sorry!

Comes and Goes - Greg Laswell

"If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try."--Seth Godin

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